Voltmeter Reads 50v Across Hot to Nuetral


Amid the nigh mutual meters used there are the ohmmeter, the ammeter and the voltmeter. The ohmmeter is used to measure the value of resistance. Information technology consists of a milliammeter calibrated to read in ohms, a battery and resistors. The meter is connected in parallel and the circuit is not opened when its resistance is measured.

The readings on the scale show the measured value. The ammeter is used to measure the value of current. When the ammeter is used the circuit should exist opened at one pointand the terminals of the meter should be connected to information technology. One

should accept into consideration that the positive terminal of the meter is continued to the positive terminal of the source; the negative final - to the negative  terminal of the source. The ammeter should be continued in series. The readings on the calibration show the measured value.

3. Complete the sentences using the right variant:

1. The ammeter is

a) a common meter.

b) an uncommon meter.

two. In club to measure the value of current

a) the ohmmeter is used,

b) the voltmeter is used.

c) the ammeter is used.

3. A meter has

a) positive terminals only.

b) negative terminals merely.

c) positive and negative terminals.

4. When the ammeter is used

a) the excursion should be opened.

b) the excursion should not be opened.

5. The ammeter should exist connected

 a) in series,

b) in parallel.

6. Ane should have into consideration that

 a) the positive final should exist connected to the negative terminal.

b) the positive terminal should be connected to the positive terminal of the source.

Pair piece of work. Put these questions to your groupmate. Permit him/her answer them.

1. What is the ammeter used for?

two. What is the voltmeter used for?

3. What is the ohmmeter used for?

4. What terminals does a meter take?

five. Should the measured circuit exist opened when the voltmeter is used?

vi. Should the measured circuit be opened when the ammeter is used?

7. In what mode should the voltmeter be connected to the circuit?

8. In what manner should the ammeter be connected to the circuit?

nine. What is the difference between a voltmeter and an ammeter?

x. What common meters are used to mensurate the values in a excursion?

Практическое занятие v. Резисторы

Lesson 5. Resistors

ane. Read and learn the words:

chapters - емкость

power - мощность

heat - теплота, нагрев

rate - скорость, степень

to produce - производить

to change - менять(ся)

to vary - варьировать(ся)

low - низкий

high - высокий

fixed – постоянный

any - (зд.) любой

variable - переменный

the (more)... the (more) чем (больше) ... тем (больше)

two. Interpret into Russian using чем ... тем :

1. The more than one studies nature, the better one knows its laws.

2. The longer one learns, the more one knows.

3. The higher the atmosphere, the less is its pressure.

4. The heavier the object, the more work 1 has to practice in club to lift it.

5. The greater the number of complimentary electrons in any metal, the higher is its

electrical conductivity.

three. Translate into Russian. Mind no.

1. There is no energy in this machine.

ii. No charges move through an open circuit.

iii. No material is a perfect conductor of electricity.

iv. No electrical mechanism is used without protection.

5. No special material is needed in this example.

Read and interpret the text.


A resistor is one of the most common elements of whatever circuit. Resistors are used: 1. to reduce the value of current in the circuit; two. to produce IR voltage drop and in this way to change the value of the voltage. When current is passing through a  resistor its temperature rises high. The higher the value of electric current the higher is the temperature o f a resistor. Each resistor has a maximum temperature to which it may be heated without a problem. If the temperature rises higher the resistor gets

open and opens the excursion. Resistors are rated in watts. The watt is the rate at which electric energy is supplied when a current of one ampere is passing at a potential divergence of one volt. A resistor is rated as a I-W resistor if its resistance

equals 1,000,000 ohms and its electric current-conveying capacity equals I/1,000,000 amp, since P = Due east x I = IR ten I = I2R where P - ability is given in watts, R - resistance is given in ohms and I - electric current is given in amperes. If a resistor has a resistance of only 2 ohms only its electric current-carrying chapters equals 2,000 amp, it is rated as a eight,000,000-W resistor. Some resistors have a constant value - these are stock-still resistors, the value of other resistors may exist varied - these are variable resistors.

v. Complete the sentences using the correct variant:

one. A resistor is used

a) to measure the resistance.

b) to reduce the current.

c) to alter the resistance.

d) to produce IR voltage drop.

ii. When current passes through a resistor

 a) its temperature drops.

b) its temperature rises.

3. Resistors are rated

a) in ohms.

b) in volts.

c) in watts.

4. Power is given

a) in amperes.

b) in watts.

5. Fixed resistors take

a) a constant value.

b) a variable value.

vi. The value of a variable resistor

a) is fixed.

b) is varied.

7. A two-ohm resistor rated equally a 8,000,000-W resistor

a) has a current-carrying capacity equal to 2,000 amp.

b) has a current-carrying capacity equal to 200 amp.

Pair piece of work. Put these questions to your groupmate and permit him/her respond them.

one. What is a resistor used for?

2. When does the temperature of a resistor rising?

iii. What element is used to change the value of voltage?

four. How are resistors rated?

5. What types of resistors do you know?

6. When does a resistor get open?

7. What does an open resistor upshot in?

8. What is the departure between a stock-still resistor and a variable resistor?

9. How much is the current-carrying chapters of a 2-ohm resistor?

10. What resistors accept a variable value?

Практическое занятие 6. Гальванические элементы

Lesson 6. Electric Cells

1. Read and learn the words:

Jail cell - элемент

output - емкость, мощность

bulb - электрическая лампа

to light - зажигать, освещать

to increment - увеличиваться), возрастать

to substitute - заменять

...and and then on - и так далее

Read and translate the text.

Electric Cells

An electric prison cell is used to produce and supply electrical energy. It consists of an electrolyte and two electrodes. Electrodes are used as terminals, they connect the cell to the excursion - current passes through the terminals and the seedling lights.

Cells can be connected in series, in parallel and in series-parallel. In order to increase the current capacity cells should be connected in parallel. In order to increment the voltage output cells should exist continued in series. In case a battery has a large current capacity and a large voltage output, its cells are connected in series-parallel.

When cells are connected in series the positive last of 1 cell is connected to the negative terminal of the 2d cell, the positive terminal of the 2d prison cell - to the negative terminal of the third ... and so on.

When cells are connected in parallel their negative terminals are connected together and their positive terminals are also connected. In instance a cell has a trouble it stops operating or operates badly. This prison cell should be substituted past another one.

3. Complete the sentences using the right variant:

1. A cell is used

a) to increment the voltage output.

b) to reduce the current chapters.

c) to supply electrical energy.

two. The terminals of a jail cell are used

a) to carry current.

b) to increment voltage.

c) to connect the battery to a circuit.

three. When cells are connected in series

a) all the positive terminals are connected together.

b) all the negative terminals are connected together.

c) the positive terminal of one cell is connected to the negative terminal of the 2nd.

iv. Cells are connected in series in order

a) to increment the electric current chapters.

b) to increase the voltage output.

v. In guild to increase the electric current capacity

 a) cells are continued in serial,

b) cells are connected in parallel.

four. Reply the following questions:

1. What is a prison cell used for?

2. What does a cell consist of?

3. What is the function of the terminals?

four. In what mode are cells connected in order to increase the voltage output?

5. In what mode are cells connected in guild to increase the current capacity?

6. In what mode are the terminals of series cells connected?

7. In what case does a cell stop operating?

8. What should be done in case it stops operating?


Amid the virtually common meters used at that place are the ohmmeter, the ammeter and the voltmeter. The ohmmeter is used to measure out the value of resistance. Information technology consists of a milliammeter calibrated to read in ohms, a bombardment and resistors. The meter is connected in parallel and the excursion is not opened when its resistance is measured.

The readings on the calibration show the measured value. The ammeter is used to mensurate the value of current. When the ammeter is used the circuit should be opened at one pointand the terminals of the meter should be connected to information technology. One

should take into consideration that the positive final of the meter is connected to the positive terminal of the source; the negative final - to the negative  last of the source. The ammeter should be connected in series. The readings on the scale show the measured value.

3. Complete the sentences using the right variant:

ane. The ammeter is

a) a common meter.

b) an uncommon meter.

ii. In order to measure out the value of electric current

a) the ohmmeter is used,

b) the voltmeter is used.

c) the ammeter is used.

iii. A meter has

a) positive terminals only.

b) negative terminals only.

c) positive and negative terminals.

4. When the ammeter is used

a) the circuit should be opened.

b) the circuit should not exist opened.

5. The ammeter should be connected

 a) in series,

b) in parallel.

6. 1 should take into consideration that

 a) the positive terminal should exist connected to the negative terminal.

b) the positive terminal should be connected to the positive terminal of the source.

Pair work. Put these questions to your groupmate. Let him/her reply them.

1. What is the ammeter used for?

2. What is the voltmeter used for?

3. What is the ohmmeter used for?

4. What terminals does a meter have?

5. Should the measured circuit be opened when the voltmeter is used?

vi. Should the measured circuit exist opened when the ammeter is used?

vii. In what way should the voltmeter be connected to the circuit?

8. In what fashion should the ammeter be connected to the excursion?

9. What is the difference betwixt a voltmeter and an ammeter?

10. What common meters are used to measure out the values in a circuit?

Практическое занятие 5. Резисторы

Lesson 5. Resistors

ane. Read and acquire the words:

capacity - емкость

power - мощность

heat - теплота, нагрев

rate - скорость, степень

to produce - производить

to change - менять(ся)

to vary - варьировать(ся)

low - низкий

high - высокий

stock-still – постоянный

whatsoever - (зд.) любой

variable - переменный

the (more)... the (more) чем (больше) ... тем (больше)

two. Translate into Russian using чем ... тем :

1. The more than one studies nature, the better one knows its laws.

2. The longer one learns, the more than one knows.

3. The higher the atmosphere, the less is its pressure.

4. The heavier the object, the more piece of work one has to do in order to lift it.

5. The greater the number of complimentary electrons in whatsoever metal, the higher is its

electrical conductivity.

3. Translate into Russian. Mind no.

1. There is no energy in this auto.

2. No charges move through an open circuit.

3. No material is a perfect usher of electricity.

4. No electric machinery is used without protection.

v. No special fabric is needed in this example.

Read and translate the text.


A resistor is i of the nigh common elements of whatever circuit. Resistors are used: ane. to reduce the value of current in the circuit; 2. to produce IR voltage drop and in this fashion to change the value of the voltage. When electric current is passing through a  resistor its temperature rises high. The higher the value of current the college is the temperature o f a resistor. Each resistor has a maximum temperature to which it may be heated without a trouble. If the temperature rises higher the resistor gets

open and opens the circuit. Resistors are rated in watts. The watt is the rate at which electrical energy is supplied when a electric current of one ampere is passing at a potential difference of i volt. A resistor is rated as a I-W resistor if its resistance

equals 1,000,000 ohms and its current-conveying capacity equals I/1,000,000 amp, since P = East x I = IR ten I = I2R where P - ability is given in watts, R - resistance is given in ohms and I - current is given in amperes. If a resistor has a resistance of only 2 ohms but its current-carrying capacity equals 2,000 amp, it is rated as a 8,000,000-W resistor. Some resistors have a abiding value - these are stock-still resistors, the value of other resistors may be varied - these are variable resistors.

5. Complete the sentences using the right variant:

1. A resistor is used

a) to measure the resistance.

b) to reduce the current.

c) to alter the resistance.

d) to produce IR voltage drop.

2. When current passes through a resistor

 a) its temperature drops.

b) its temperature rises.

3. Resistors are rated

a) in ohms.

b) in volts.

c) in watts.

4. Power is given

a) in amperes.

b) in watts.

five. Stock-still resistors have

a) a constant value.

b) a variable value.

6. The value of a variable resistor

a) is fixed.

b) is varied.

7. A ii-ohm resistor rated every bit a 8,000,000-Due west resistor

a) has a current-conveying chapters equal to 2,000 amp.

b) has a electric current-carrying capacity equal to 200 amp.

Pair work. Put these questions to your groupmate and let him/her answer them.

one. What is a resistor used for?

2. When does the temperature of a resistor ascension?

3. What chemical element is used to change the value of voltage?

four. How are resistors rated?

5. What types of resistors practise you know?

6. When does a resistor become open up?

seven. What does an open resistor result in?

8. What is the departure between a stock-still resistor and a variable resistor?

9. How much is the current-carrying capacity of a two-ohm resistor?

ten. What resistors take a variable value?

Практическое занятие 6. Гальванические элементы

Lesson 6. Electric Cells

1. Read and acquire the words:

Cell - элемент

output - емкость, мощность

bulb - электрическая лампа

to calorie-free - зажигать, освещать

to increase - увеличиваться), возрастать

to substitute - заменять

...and and so on - и так далее

Read and translate the text.

Electric Cells

An electric jail cell is used to produce and supply electric energy. It consists of an electrolyte and two electrodes. Electrodes are used as terminals, they connect the cell to the circuit - current passes through the terminals and the bulb lights.

Cells can be continued in serial, in parallel and in series-parallel. In social club to increase the current capacity cells should be connected in parallel. In order to increase the voltage output cells should be continued in serial. In case a bombardment has a large current capacity and a big voltage output, its cells are connected in series-parallel.

When cells are connected in series the positive terminal of ane prison cell is connected to the negative terminal of the 2nd cell, the positive final of the second cell - to the negative terminal of the third ... and so on.

When cells are connected in parallel their negative terminals are connected together and their positive terminals are also connected. In instance a cell has a trouble information technology stops operating or operates badly. This jail cell should be substituted past some other ane.

3. Consummate the sentences using the right variant:

1. A cell is used

a) to increase the voltage output.

b) to reduce the electric current capacity.

c) to supply electric energy.

2. The terminals of a cell are used

a) to bear electric current.

b) to increment voltage.

c) to connect the battery to a excursion.

3. When cells are continued in series

a) all the positive terminals are connected together.

b) all the negative terminals are connected together.

c) the positive last of one cell is connected to the negative terminal of the 2nd.

4. Cells are connected in series in order

a) to increase the current capacity.

b) to increase the voltage output.

five. In order to increase the electric current capacity

 a) cells are connected in serial,

b) cells are continued in parallel.

4. Answer the following questions:

ane. What is a cell used for?

2. What does a cell consist of?

3. What is the part of the terminals?

iv. In what way are cells connected in order to increase the voltage output?

5. In what way are cells connected in order to increase the current capacity?

vi. In what way are the terminals of serial cells connected?

7. In what case does a jail cell end operating?

8. What should be washed in example it stops operating?

Voltmeter Reads 50v Across Hot to Nuetral

Source: https://studopedia.ru/22_26052_Read-and-translate-the-text.html

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